Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Article Analysis 2

Article Analysis 2

Q First, read a current California politics news story from the newspaper or the Internet. Answer the following questions regarding your news story: 1) What is the main issue, who are the main actors being discussed; Second, choose one of the Canvas assigned articles you read for this week. Answer the following questions regarding the assigned article: 1) What are the basics of this article (who, what, when, how, why, etc.); 2) What is the overall main point the author is trying to convince you of? 3) Do you agree with the author’s argument? Why? Why not? Finally, tie together your news story with what you learned from the assigned article, textbook readings, podcasts, videos, etc. for this week. Type your answers using your own words, no outline or bullets, complete sentences and paragraphs, single-spaced, full-page.

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The article I read was “The young Republican lawyer taking on California’s governor” by Emily Hoeven. The article is about Kevin Kiley, a 35 years old Rocklin Republican with degree courses in Harvard and Yale had abandoned a fruitful career in legislation that was structured to make republican votes nearly worthless in a state senate dominated by Democrats. Kiley has lately been the chief adversary in the legislative council of Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom. Since, the declaration of the state of pandemic , he keeps a running list of the more than 400 laws and regulations affected by the 52 executive orders that Newsom had issued. He proposed a motion to terminate the emergency power of Newsom. He sued Newsom over the constitutionality of an executive order through voting mail. He proposed a bill that would prohibit Newsom from taking up Kamala Harris' Senate by holding special elections.